Mac-Source 1994 July
info mac digest v11
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Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 20:31:31 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #162
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 16 Aug 93 Volume 11 : Issue 162
Today's Topics:
[*] color desktop patterns
[*] Fractal! 1.2
[*] High quality speech demonstration
[*] How to Open Up a Duo
[*] HyperCuber QuickTime Movie I
[*] Internet Services FAQ 1.2
[*] jasik 2.5.4
[*] Lector
[*] MacEnquirer 3.0
[*] MacOberonLite.hqx
[*] Mac Tips and Tricks
[*] Saw 1.0 - After Dark Module
[*] Siege Watch Submission [bug fix]
[*] SoundEdit<->MATLAB suite
[*] the MACS 1.0b3
[*] Version 1.1 of Welcome!
(Q)Digital I/O for Quadra 840av?
A decent text editor
Aliases in Sumex ftp server a good idea?
a new pb in Sept (q
Animation with Hypercard / Hypertalk (A)
Apple Energy Star-complient monitors (2 msgs)
AppleShare File Server and PLI cartridges
BeHierarchic and System 7.1
big help: Mac to IBM
Disk Compression (c)
Ditch the HMS system--go with millidays! (R)
Driver-level Compression and System 7 Virtual Memory
Ethertalk --> Appletalk
Fast and reliable modems
FAX software for the Mac
Files (Q)
FlightSimulator 4.0
Flight Simulator 4.0 won't mouse around..
Flight Simulator 4.0 won't mouse around...
Grading program
how to secure Mac LC III's (A)
How to use Deskjet 550C on Mac
Info-Mac Digest V11 #160 (2 msgs)
Is Timbuktu good?
Looking for formatted equations from Mathematica (A)
Mac Prefect Downloadable?
mac sequencing software
MacWrite Pro default ? (2 msgs)
Mind-Mapping Software (R)
Modem suggestion wanted
Moniter being discriminated against (C)
Mousing around with Flight Simulator 4.0
Mousing around with Flight Simulator 4.0 (R)
Moving Large Files MAC<->DOS (R)
Need (inexpensive) PC board for Mac
Norton Utilities 1.1/2.0
PageMaker 4.2 Book printing (R)
Pasting sound into a silent QT movie -- quickly and cheaply?
Powerbook keyboard shortcuts
PowerPC, 680LC40 emulation and Byte magazine
PowerPC/68040 emulation? (A)
QuickTime JPEG
SAM 3.5.1 Redux
SE/30 Powercache(Daystar accelerators)
Seeking utility to help with alias-based secondary storage scheme
Sending AppleLink note via Internet
Sound Mgr 3.0 (Q)
Tech Tool (C) (2 msgs)
Terminal Emulators & TCP/IP (R)
The European Mac games scene
Update: Contact for the Internet Earth Day (fwd)
use of newton
zmodem tool
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 18:27:42 JST
From: kimura@mri.co.jp (Kazushi Kimura)
Subject: [*] color desktop patterns
Hello, this is Kimura from Japan.
Kimura's ppat 48 is ppat resource data file (not program) and
includes 48 color desktop patterns for the screen(s) of Macintosh.
It's displayed correctly in 8 bit color mode or more.
Kimura's ppat is FREEPICTURE, but the rights are retained by me.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/kimura-ppat.hqx; 50K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 15:00:17 -0700
From: gonzo@ntb.apple.com (Ed Rotberg)
Subject: [*] Fractal! 1.2
To whomever:
Please post this freeware program and associated documentation to the
public ftp archives at umich & sumex as well as posting to
Feel free to make it available to whatever other archives seem appropriate.
Version 1.2 has a number of bug fixes along with several new features
* New and improved subdivision algorithm that ellimnates "creasing"
* Output animation files to QuickTime movies.
* More control of Sky Color gradients.
* Settable PICT File resolution.
= Ed Rotberg =
[Archived as /info-mac/app/fractal-12.hqx; 363K]
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 16:20:10 -0600
From: The Ethereal Knight <msegur@newton.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: [*] High quality speech demonstration
Several people have complained about the quality of the
voices included with the new apple speech manager. I'm not sure
about the legality of distributing the higher-quality voices
found on the Apple Developer's CD, so I don't want to try, but
there's still hope:
This file is a System 7 sound file containing a sample
of the "Alexander" voice from the Gala-Tea collection. The
text he's reading is from the MacWorld press release about the
new AV macs. This sound was generated using the SpeakEasy
application on a Macintosh IIcx.
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/alexander-reads.hqx; 521K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 18:05:13 -0400
From: earlydh@c-17igp.wpafb.af.mil (Dwight Early)
Subject: [*] How to Open Up a Duo
Dear Digest Readers,
Ralph Wolfson asked me to pass this enclosed document onto the sumex and
umich archives. It describes the procedure for opening up a Duo for
installation of such goodies as your heart desires. It is a text file,
Stuff(it)ed and BinHex'd.
--Dwight Early
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/opening-a-duo.txt; 6K]
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 18:17:33 -0400
From: gregt@math.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [*] HyperCuber QuickTime Movie I
Enclosed is a QuickTime movie, created from frames of my new program,
HyperCuber. This movie shows a four-dimensional cube (hypercube)
undergoing a simple four-dimensional rotation. If you like this, you'll
love my freeware program HyperCuber!
-Greg Ferrar (gregt@math.mps.ohio-state.edu)
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/hypercube-i.hqx; 908K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 07:12:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
Subject: [*] Internet Services FAQ 1.2
The Internet Services Frequently Asked Questions and Answers List (FAQ)
is intended to help reduce the number of often asked questions that
appear on the newsgroup "alt.internet.services".
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-services-faq.txt; 41K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 15:48:35 -0500
From: golub@sgi.siemens.com (JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573)
Subject: [*] jasik 2.5.4
this "after dark" module does not do much to "save" the screen,
but will display the familiar environment of The Debugger from
Jasik Designs, so that you can always appear to be hard at work
send your comments and suggestions to:
joshua golub
62 timber hill road
buffalo grove, il 60089
source code: available on request
inspiration: the best debugger in the world
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/jasik-254.hqx; 40K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 17:35:17 +0100 (MEST)
From: gritter@hist.unizh.ch
Subject: [*] Lector
"Lector" is an educational program for medieval history (in German).
Try to read (and make a transcription of) medieval handwritings from
Switzerland and Southern Germany and let the program correct your mistakes,
give you tips and provide you with tools like a magnifying glass, a list of
commonly used abbreviations, a glossary or information about medieval
Requires: Macintosh with 12" screen
HyperCard 2.0 or higher
This free version is fully functional, but contains only 3 exercises
(full version: 25)
Gerold Ritter
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/lector.hqx; 873K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 18:34:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Macintosh ICONtact Internet Dude <NWCS@delphi.com>
Subject: [*] MacEnquirer 3.0
This is MacEnquirer 3.0. A goofy, little program which creates
random tabloid headlines. It uses five sentence structures and
up to six parts to a sentence. It can be hilarious!
This program requires Hypercard 2.1 to use.
Note to moderators: Please delete the old version of macenquirer
Please send questions and comments to:
nwcs@utkvx.utk.edu --or-- nwcs@delphi.com
[Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-enquirer-30-hc.hqx; 12K]
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 06:12:11 EDT
From: dreero@rocbi.DNET.roche.com
Subject: [*] MacOberonLite.hqx
MacOberonLite Version 1.0
This is the first public release of MacOberonLite, a small
Macintosh development system based on MacOberon and its
fast 32-bit compiler.
The language Oberon is based on Pascal and Modula II and
therefore easy to learn and use.
Using MacOberonLite, you can build your own standalone
Macintosh Applications! (Samples are included)
It requires at least a 68020 processor and an FPU (-emulation)
Oliver Dreer, odreer@iiic.ethz.ch
(Im Egg 35, 4147 Aesch, Switzerland)
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/mac-oberon-lite-10.hqx; 202K]
Date: 16 Aug 1993 16:21:22 -0600
From: "pfterry" <pfterry@msmail.kgs.ukans.edu>
Subject: [*] Mac Tips and Tricks
Enclosed is the July issue of Mac Tips and Tricks. Enjoy.
[Archived as /info-mac/per/mac-tips-n-tricks-93-07.hqx; 58K]
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 16:24 EDT
From: djz@cbusa.att.com
Subject: [*] Saw 1.0 - After Dark Module
This is an AfterDark module that I wrote (my first). It repeatedly
saws a strip from the bottom of your screen, until the screen is
blank. Includes an optional power saw sound.
FreeWare, requires ColorQuickDraw.
Danny J. Zerkel
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/saw-10.hqx; 81K]
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 21:10 CST
From: HOWES@bert.chem.wisc.edu
Subject: [*] Siege Watch Submission [bug fix]
Enclosed you will find version 1.01 of my Siege Watch clock
A small analog clock which also shows the time left in the
current U.S. presidential administration. It also can be set
to use the Speech Manager to say the hour on the hour.
System 7
This is just a quick bug fix to handle a very reproducible
problem with allocating offscreen gWorlds. Evidently calling
NewGWorld while there is only a small amount of memory left
is a very bad idea.
More Memory = Better Performance
Blame my brother Joe whose idea this was.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/siege-watch-101.hqx; 39K]
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 18:11:55 -0400
From: jxj24@po.CWRU.Edu (Jonathan Jacobs)
Subject: [*] SoundEdit<->MATLAB suite
How many times have you wished for better sound editing tools on the
Mac? SoundEdit and its contemporaries are very powerful, but sometimes
you need that extra something that they just don't have.
Fortunately there is a very powerful signal processing program for the
Mac, MATLAB, which is a matrix mathematics package that can do
some powerful manipulations.
Unfortunately, MATLAB can't yet import Mac sound files, nor can
SoundEdit (et. al.) export MATLAB files. Hmmmm.
Fortunately you now can use these programs to convert back and forth
between the two formats.
Unfortunately there are no more "unfortunately"'s. Or perhaps that's
This is version 1.4 of the package. Anything previous sucks and is
really a tool of Satan.
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/soundedit-matlab-converter-14.hqx; 113K]
Date: 14 Aug 93 11:59:43 EDT
From: David Greenspon <71774.2324@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: [*] the MACS 1.0b3
the MACS is a freeware application which displays a large number of specs for
all Macs that have ever been released. For a more thorough description, see
Info-Mac Digest v11-106, or the help included in the MACS.
I've been away from school for the summer and I let the expiration date on
the MACS go by without posting an update. I'm sorry about that. I have no
direct Internet access in the summer, but I've had my mail forwarded to a
BITNET account and now a CompuServe account. Thanks to everyone who sent bug
reports, suggestions, and corrections.
I also can't get the Info-Mac Digest now, so I won't know if this version is
posted successfully until people start sending more bug reports. :-)
The improvements in version 1.0b3 are:
-Added/corrected various specs.
-Fixed the original (128K/Plus/SE/etc.) startup beep.
-A few people have reported a bug that causes a crash when selecting a
new Mac. I haven't been able to reproduce this bug, but I put in some
error checking that will, I hope, prevent these crashes (and cause the
program to pop up an alert box with a "quit" button instead).
-Various minor changes.
I don't yet have the System Enablers for the new Macs which came out this
summer (PowerBook 145B and 180c, LC 520, Centris 660AV, and Quadra 840AV),
so I haven't added specs for them. Their names are nevertheless included
(grayed out) in the Mac type pop-up menus.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/macs-10b3.hqx; 84K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 17:04:16 EDT
From: IO92143@MAINE.maine.edu (Donna Foster)
Subject: [*] Version 1.1 of Welcome!
This is Welcome! v1.1, a Speech Manager-using version of the old Welcome2
application. v1.1 allows you to stop the speech by hitting any key or the
mouse button. Enjoy! :-)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/welcome-11.hqx; 10K]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 16:14:17 CET
From: Andrzej Artymowicz <ARTY%PLEARN.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: (Q)Digital I/O for Quadra 840av?
for: D I G I T A L A U D I O C O M M U N I T Y|
Can anyone tell me specification of soft/hardware Centris 660AV/Quadra 840AV
DSP compatibility with availble digital audio hardware/software like:
- Digidesign Audiomedia II,
Sound Tools II,
Sound Designer II,
DINR etc?
Does any company produce digital input/output (at least SPDIF) card for those
Why Apple put such nice DSP hardware into so small and not expandable
case (1x7" NuBus slot)? It's unfair to dedicate this Mac only for not advanced
multimedia community. Centris 660AV in 650 case would be much more useful.
I can buy 660AV for built AT&T 3210 DSP, but I'm not sure about any
digital I/O products for 660/840AV and compatibility with existing systems.
This step is very dangerous because I couldn't add "long" NuBus card to 660.
How many CD quality (16 bit, 44100Hz) internal channels can handle AT&T DSP
(55MHz) inside Centris 660AV? How many Quadra 840AV (66MHz DSP)?
Please help me|
If you can, send E-mail directly for me: arty@plearn.edu
Date: 16 Aug 93 02:54 GMT
From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
Subject: 660av
I am interested in purchasing a Centris 660av. If you have one (or an 840av),
please send me some feedback. I am especially interested in feedback about
GeoPort and the AudioVision monitor. Has anyone heard when the GeoPort will
For those using voice recognition/synthesis, how does it all work for you?
I can post a summary here afterward.
Thank you!
Long live the internet!
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 13:55:45 -0400
From: jbayes@occs.cs.oberlin.edu (Joseph Bayes)
Subject: A decent text editor
Does anyone know af a decent text editor for use with the mac?
Currently I use Teachtext, but the 32K limit on file length can be
somewhat annoying at times. A word processor works too, but then you
have to deal with text -> word processor conversions.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 1:33:02 PDT
From: Brian R. Gaeke <brg@CERF.NET>
Subject: Aliases in Sumex ftp server a good idea?
Is it really a good idea to have those symbolic links (aliases in Mac terms)
in the Sumex ftp server (such as, Compress-Translate, Disk-File,
etc)? I, for one, could do without them, because they make every file
appear twice in Gopher searches of the archives. That's probably the only
problem with them, but I would like to know what others think regarding this
topic, as well as of the directory restructuring in general.
Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate Company Internet E-Mail: brg@cerf.net
Finger my account for my PGP public key.
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 22:09:22 EDT
From: "Christopher B. Hopkins (Wesley)" <HOPKINS@american.edu>
Subject: a new pb in Sept (q
A week or so ago, MacWeek ran an article about a new powerbook that, in
the tradtion of the 145, is supposed to be a faster, cheaper 160. It
even went so far (the article, that is) to say that it would be a 165
(not to be confused with the 165c I presume).
I was going to make a move on a 160 but now I'm tempted to wait. I've
also noticed (coincidence?) that the prices on the 160s have gone down
significantly (beyond the Apple cuts).
Any thoughts? Dirt? Rumor? Speculation?
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 14:50:34 PDT
From: mclagan@sfu.ca
Subject: Animation with Hypercard / Hypertalk (A)
In IM Volume 11, issue 161 Kee Nethery writes:
>Can someone give me advice on how to learn to write animation,
>i.e. moving pictures, with Hypercard. Is there some book
>or text on the subject? Are there well commented sample
>programs in Hypertalk for animation, which I can look at
>in order to learn how it is done.
>The tricks that I know are:
... stuff deleted ... see IM Volume 11 : Issue 161
>Kee Nethery
There is also the ability to control the painting tools from a
script. Eg.
on mouseUp
-- drag select tool around picture to select it
choose select tool
set dragspeed to 400
drag from 201,36 to 332,185 with optionkey
-- "with optionkey" selects only black pixels
-- now we drag the picture
set dragspeed to 60
drag from 266,113 to 59,265
wait 1 second
domenu undo -- this puts it back
-- (normally we'd move to another card before doing this)
choose browse tool
end mouseUp
choose browse tool
end mouseUp
Hope it helps.
Scott McLagan
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 13:12:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Apple Energy Star-complient monitors
Apple has released Monitor Energy Saver. Below is a capture
of part of the Read ME file.
> Energy Saver will function only with Apple Energy StarPcompliant
> monitors using the built-in video support. To find out if your
> monitor is Apple Energy Star compliant, check the label on the box
> that your monitor came in for the "EPA Energy Star" logo, or ask
> your service provider. Monitors that do not support this energy
> saver function, or monitors that use video cards will not be harmed
> by the installation of this control panel, but they will not save
> energy with Energy Saver installed.
My question would be, which monitors are Energy Star-compliant?
The new 14" Trinitron Apple monitor is not which is somewhat surprising
since it is possibly the most "popular" Mac color monitor (my
Below is more of the capture in case more explanation is needed:
> Energy Saver is a control panel that gives you the option of setting
> your monitor to go into low power mode after your computer has been
> idle for a specified time up to one hour. This control panel will
> function only on Macintosh Quadra, Centris, or LC III computers,
> and requires System 7.1.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 13:12:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Apple Energy Star-complient monitors
Apple has released Monitor Energy Saver. Below is a capture
of part of the Read ME file.
> Energy Saver will function only with Apple Energy StarPcompliant
> monitors using the built-in video support. To find out if your
> monitor is Apple Energy Star compliant, check the label on the box
> that your monitor came in for the "EPA Energy Star" logo, or ask
> your service provider. Monitors that do not support this energy
> saver function, or monitors that use video cards will not be harmed
> by the installation of this control panel, but they will not save
> energy with Energy Saver installed.
My question would be, which monitors are Energy Star-compliant?
The new 14" Trinitron Apple monitor is not which is somewhat surprising
since it is possibly the most "popular" Mac color monitor (my
Below is more of the capture in case more explanation is needed:
> Energy Saver is a control panel that gives you the option of setting
> your monitor to go into low power mode after your computer has been
> idle for a specified time up to one hour. This control panel will
> function only on Macintosh Quadra, Centris, or LC III computers,
> and requires System 7.1.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 11:50:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: JIMS@SERVAX.fiu.edu (Jim Schenk)
Subject: AppleShare File Server and PLI cartridges
Does anyone out there have experience using PLI Infinity 88 removable
cartridges with AppleShare File Server 2.0.1? We recently purchased
one from PLI. Before we purchased it, I called PLI and asked them if
it would work on an AppleShare network, such that we could hook it up
to the file server and everyone could access it from their computers.
They told me no problem, just hook it up to the server and everyone will
see in in the Chooser.
Alas, it was not so :-(. We got the drive, hooked it up to the file
server, and it worked fine. Then, we got a second cartridge, formatted it
(using PLI's formatter), named it "Backup Cartridge 1", and when we
restarted, we get the message "Backup Cartridge 1 is not a valid server
volume". If we boot the file server from a floppy disk, the cartridge
mounts just fine. But the AppleShare file server software won't recognize
it. We tried a third cartridge, in case the second one was bad, with
the same results. The cartridge that came with the drive works fine,
but AppleShare won't recognize any other cartridge.
Anyway, to make a long story short, we tried all the usual troubleshooting
techniques, and we called PLI, who after two weeks of not returning my
calls, finally told me that they were able to re-create my results, with
both AppleShare 2.0.1 and with 3.0.1, and so they concluded that AppleShare
doesn't work with PLI cartridges, and its Apple's problem, and they can't
even figure out why our first cartridge DOES work. Needless to say, PLI
is at the top of my shit list.
If anyone has any experience with this, any help would be greatly
----- End forwarded message
Date: 15 Aug 93 03:30:53 GMT
From: gt0151c@prism.gatech.edu (David Shaw)
Subject: BeHierarchic and System 7.1
In digest <9308120609.AA22691@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>This may have been discussed previously but forgive me, I wasn't paying
>attention. A friend of mine seems to think that BeHierarchic 1.0.5
>doesn't work on System 7.1. I have neither so I can't test it myself.
>He says the problem occurs on Powerbooks, IIsi and LCII machines. Is this
>a known fact, is there a fix or are we looking at some other INIT
>I'm afraid that details are necessarily sketchy. I think that the drop
>down arrows are appearing OK, but sub-menus don't appear. I also don't
>have a clue what else he's running 'cos this is just the result of a
Well, part of the problem could be that the latest version of Behierarchic is
atl LEAST 2.0 (that's the version I have). So you need a newer version to
it work properly. If you can't get it to work, try HAM (Heirarchial Apple
or one if the other utilities out that do the same thing. Hope this helps...
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 22:04:35 EDT
From: "Christopher B. Hopkins (Wesley)" <HOPKINS@american.edu>
Subject: big help: Mac to IBM
This is hardly an advanced technical question so I'm sure someone
can help us:
We're trying to get it so that we can edit several documents between
Macs and IBMs. For example, we might write part one on a Mac, bring
it to a new location with IBMs, add more, and still be able to return
to the Mac with the revisions intact.
We tried Apple File Exchange but I am told that when you get an IBM
document back after its been editted by the Mac, the IBM will only
read the document (it won't let you write more).
(I hope this is clear!)
We are using a Mac IIsi with Microsoft WORD 5.1 on one end and a Compac
running MS-DOS and WordPerfect 5.0 on the other.
What's the simplest solution? (commercial s/w, shareware, ideas about
Apple File Exchange... anything would help)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 01:12:22
From: charlie.mingo@his.com (Charlie Mingo)
Subject: Disk Compression (c)
Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu> writes:
> One caveat is that
> if an accessed file is AutoDoubled compressed and is open,
> and is in "write" mode, then AutoDoubler will create a temporary
> expanded copy. This can result in a slow write when one is
> quitting the file. It is slow because of the re-compressing
> of the expanded file. At least that is my understanding.
My understanding is that:
(i) if the file has not been altered since it was opened, AD will
just throw away the expanded copy, and keep the original
compressed version, and
(ii) if the file has been altered, AD will save the expanded version
in place of the compressed version (this file copying may be what
you think is the recompressing). AD will recompress the file at
a later date (eg, after the specified time has elapsed).
I don't think AD ever makes you wait while it recompresses a file.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 12:22:40 EST
From: Michael Craymer <craymer@cc2smtp.emr.ca>
Subject: Ditch the HMS system--go with millidays! (R)
In infomacv11-159/11-Aug-93, Allan Hunter discusses his 10-year obsession with
a decimal system for date/time. Specicially:
> Now, according to the hours-minutes-seconds [HMS] system is expressed as
> 8/11/93, 12:46:31 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time)
> This is not good. Time should be decimal. Divide a day up into 1000
In fact, there is such a system that's used by astronomers, geodesists and
space scientists. It's called the Julian Date (JD) and it defined as the
interval in days and fractions of a day since January 1, 4713 BC, Greenwich
noon. To reduce the number of digits one has to work with in astronomic
formulae, the Modified Julian Date (MJD) is often used. It's defined as the
Julian Date minus 2,400,000.5. When working with the Global Positioning
System, times are often expressed as day numbers, defined as the number of
and fractions of a day since the beginning of the year.
> Imagine how much nicer your Excel spreadsheet will deal with it.
> You gotta admit it's more elegant.
Actually, Excel represents all dates internally as a variant of the Julian
Date. Specifically it uses the number of days and fractions of a day since
January 2, 1904 (default) or 1900 (optional). To see this format, reformat
date cell as "General" -- see the Excel User's Guide for more info.
If anyone is interested I can post the (simple) expressions to convert between
Julian Dates and calandar dates.
Mike Craymer
Geodetic Survey of Canada
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 07:15:03 -0400
From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
Subject: DMCS to MIDI?
I just recently acquired a Yamaha CBX-T3 (part of the "Hello Music" system),
and have been playing my DMCS (Deluxe Music Construction Set) files through
it with moderate success.
The "Hello Music" system also comes with MIDI playing and editing software
by Passport, which I'd like to use with my old DMCS files, but there's one
problem...DMCS (or at least version 2.5), while capable of controlling MIDI
devices, will not export files in MIDI format...it will only export them in
something called SMUS-IFF format, which the Passport software can't re or
Does anyone know of any way to convert DMCS files into MIDI files?
* kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 08:51:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Driver-level Compression and System 7 Virtual Memory
On Mon, 16 Aug 1993, MacFarland Hale expressed concern that ALYSIS
did not recommend using the product with virtual memory turned on.
Clarification was requested from Tech Support and MacFarland was told that
"no manufacturer's driver-level compression should be used with system 7
virtual memory since the disk driver is bypassed to improve the virtual
memory performance."
If I wanted to use "driver level" compression, it would be with
Stacker. Those folks seem to be more supportive and easier to talk to.
But, I don't like driver level compression, mainly because of the very
slow saves and the fact that one does not have individual file compression
Regarding virtual memory.... Here is what Stacker's manual on
page 42 says:
> Virtual memory does work with compressed data, but we don't
> recommend it. Virtual memory uses disk space to expand your
> memory. This slows down memory access because it takes longer to
> read data from a disk access than from RAM. Normally, Stacker
> compresses and decompresses data in RAM and the time is hardly
> noticeable (BULL!!!-my comments.) If you use virtual memory, much
> of the compression and decompression occurs from disk, which slows
> the process drastically. It never speeds up your system to use
> virtual memory on a disk, even if it is controlled by Stacker.
I really enjoy AutoDoubler, mainly due to the total control that
the user has over the compression. One can have compression performed in
the background, one can have files excluded, and applications can be
internally compressed. All of these options are determined by the user.
Plus, another reason, as I have mentioned before, AutoDoubler does not
choke any time at all, at least on my LC, for saves. Stacker may burn up
anywhere from two times to three times more time during saves. I can only
imagine what time would be consumed if virtual memory was used.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 18:25:45 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Ethertalk --> Appletalk
I'm becoming a nuisance this week. Flames to Symantec and hosannas to
MicroMat. Sorry 'bout that. If you'll forgive my past transgressions,
could maybe at least one of you network gurus answer a question?
Leslye's birthday present (a C-650) arrived this week. A couple days
later came the wherewithal from Focus (Unfriendlynet to ThinNet and a
ThinNet cable) to link her new toy into the home EtherNetlet. Almost all
is wonderful. All would be wonderful if my IIci would not lose its mind.
Twice in the past two days my IIci flicked from EtherTalk to AppleTalk.
I dropped out of the netlet. Why? And how can I fix it?
I have this feeling that I saw a similar plaint, and a solution, in I-M
not too long ago, but I can't place it.
Any good ideas much appreciated.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 00:27:48 EST
From: "Mario Szczurek,phone&fax 812-857-2059" <MSZCUREK@ucs.indiana.edu>
Subject: Fast and reliable modems
I have to buy a fast but not too expensive external modem. The
following are the candidates (prices include S&H, cables and basic
software; all are 14,400bps V.32bis with fax):
(1) US Robotics Sportster Mac& Fax $ 232
(2) Hayes Accurafax $238
(3) AT&T Paradyne Dataport $266
Top fax speed for (1) and (2) is also 14400. For (3) is 9600 - no
V17 support.
Impaired-line throughput was rated 99% , 95% , and 97% (1% error
margin) respectively by Byte Magazine tests (July'93). This is an
important issue in my case.
I've heard good and bad stories about the US Robotics Sportster.
Almost nothing about the other two modems. No much help reading
"com.dcom.modems" nor "com.sys.comm" in recent days.
Is the Accura a too stripped down Hayes ?
Is the Dataport an outdated model ?
I would appreciate any advise, opinion or experience that would help
me to decide. Thanks in advance for your valuable time.
Please respond to my own address as I am no longer able to
subscribe to this list.
Mario Szczurek mszcurek@ucs.indiana.edu
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 10:28:54 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Kelvin Chu, UIUC Physics" <CHU@UIPHYB.PHYSICS.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: FAX software for the Mac
Hello everyone;
I have recently purchased a FAX modem (USR Sportster) but
I don't have any FAX software. The only thing that I have
managed to find out about is PC fax software. Can anyone
recommend/suggest some FAX software (if it exists?)
Thanks in advance,
-- k
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 10:44:29 EDT
Subject: Files (Q)
I haven't been up to date on this discussion list so my question might
be redundent but, I can't seem to retrieve files on the archive later than
June or July...has the administrators added a new hard drive...I retrieve
these files through the PUCC repository. Can someone send me some information
regarding this. thanx in advance Mike
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 16:42:51 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: FlightSimulator 4.0
On Mon, 16 Aug 1993, Darrell A. Early wrote:
> Would someone be so kind and send me the address/phone where they obtained
> FlightSimulator 4.0 for the Mac.
> How does this compare to the PC version? Cost?
I purchased my Flight Simulator 4.0 from Office Depot, a fairly
popular chain of stores located in the U.S. south. The cost was $37.00.
You might check MacWareHouse at 1-800 255 6227. Their cost is $45.00.
Prices at different places change with the season so check around.
As far as comparing to the PC version...I dunno. I avoid the
PeeCee like I avoid a viral infection. I spent two years programming on
PeeCees and vowed never again... Give me an Atari ST to program on. That
machine is a blast, but that's another topic.
I am disturbed at one feature that is missing: modem support.
The Atari ST and the Commodore Amiga versions have modem support so that
one can fly in formation or in dual cross country flying with a friend
located elsewhere via the telephone. Several years ago, a bunch of us
with Atari STs and Commodore Amigas would hook up by phone and fly against
each other. I find it amazing that this, the modem feature, is not
available on the Mac version. I find it especially amazing since the
Atari and Commodore verisons were 1986 products and in most ways are more
advanced than the current Mac version. OH well...raving does as much good
as complaining about the weather does.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 09:39:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Flight Simulator 4.0 won't mouse around..
This is a follow-up to my earlier note. Sorry for multiple
postings like this....
A patch is available from MicroSoft to fix the broken mouse handler
Flight Simulator 4.0. According to the rep I talked to on the phone,
Apple broke the mouse handler on the newer machines. Ummmm, right... He
said that the newers Quads, LCIIIs, and Centris Macs have broken mouse
At any rate, the patch is available and will be showing up at my
location "in 5 to 10 days". No, the patch is not allowed to be posted
So that you can get your patch also, call (206) 454 2030. AVOID
digging through the voice menu system by pressing the ONE on your
telephone keypad. I'd suggest pressuring the help person to allow posting
of the patch on the nets. He/she won't have the power to do anything, but
it might be recorded in his/her log service sheets as suggestions for
improvement or something.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 07:33:47 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Flight Simulator 4.0 won't mouse around...
A few days back, I mentioned that I was unable to get Flight
mouse option to work on my Mac LCIII. Some messages on GEnie confirm this
and a patch from Microsoft is available. Microsoft claims that Apple "broke"
its mouse driver with System 7.1. ...so Microsoft says.
I wish the patch was available on the nets somewhere rather than
having to send off to MicroSoft for it.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 18:44:04 CDT
From: Andrew Vernon <AVERNON1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject: ghostscript?
Warner Soditus <jws@sabine.psu.edu> asked the world:
>I was trying to dornload the Ghostscript files from here.
>I couldn't get it to translate since it is a split file.
>Can someone let me know how I need to go about de-binhexing
>and un-compressing this ...
I think it is about time the developers of MacGS get their heads out of
their hard drives and re-think their distribution.
Large packages like MacGS should be distributed as a series of SEA's, no
greater than 600K each after compressing and HQXing, that way, you can
download each piece and unmangle them separately, then launch each archive
to install the package.
Another thing that would prevent those tmp-directory-choker archives would
be to NEVER include the source code. If people want it, upload it separately
and let the Info-Mac guys put it in the appropriate place. I only get
3 mb of disk space on my unix system and I have no use for source code.
Also, (I'm a little behind after taking two months off) Is the MacGS
distribution up-to-date? Last I heard there was the two files for the
distribution and then an equally-huge updater to make the patch. Come on,
and give us a new compile every time.
Andrew Vernon
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 13:54 CST
From: <SWAECHTER%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Grading program
I'm looking for a program to track student grades. I really only have two
prerequisites: easy to use, and shareware. Any recommendations will be
appreciated. If you'll respond directly to me, I'll summarize to the net.
Steve Waechter
swaechter@utmem1 (bitnet)
swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu (internet)
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 01:08:58 PDT
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: how to secure Mac LC III's (A)
Our local marine chandlery has stainless steel cable and crimpable
whatevers for creating loops at the end of the cables. They will let you
borrow the crimp tool and they will cut the cable to length. Maybe you are
near a body of water that is serviced by a chandlery?
Kee Nethery
Date: 15 Aug 1993 11:33:29 +0800
From: "H.N. Tay" <R16606@WACCVM.corp.mot.com>
Subject: How to use Deskjet 550C on Mac
Note: To assure proper delivery to all recipients, some addresses have
been moved from the header to the bottom of this message.
to: ? (INFOMAC)
from: H.N. Tay (R16606)
date: 15 Aug 93 at 11:29:01 KLM
subj: How to use Deskjet 550C on Mac
We have a few deskjet 550C in the office, but we do not have any
Deskwriter 550C. Can I in anyway, thru serial or network, connect
my Mac to the Deskjet 550C and print some color documents on it?
Please advice. Thanks in advance.
Motorola, Malaysia.
To: Memo Recipients :;
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 07:35:44 LCL
From: ZOOEY%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #160
Gate Keeper has a log of times when the system is turned on and off,
as well as other changes. It is accessed through the Gate Keeper
control panel. You should be using Gate Keeper anyway.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 07:42:03 LCL
From: ZOOEY%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #160
The group version of At Ease will apparently monitor application use
over a network and let you know who accessed what (via user IDs).
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 23:39:27 CST
From: chiyag@cc.nsysu.edu.tw (Chun-Ching Yang)
Subject: Is Timbuktu good?
Has anyone used Timbuktu for Macintosh and Windows? Is it good?
Timbuktus is a product from Farallon to connect a network between
Mac and PC. It is said that Timbuktus can share printers and exchange files
It is something like a net but the users can view both sides' screen.
Is it true? Is it good enough? Is it fast enough?
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 01:30:38
From: charlie.mingo@his.com (Charlie Mingo)
Subject: Looking for formatted equations from Mathematica (A)
> The way that Mathematica formats its symbolic output looks
> like someone rendering in ASCII - readable, but not pretty
> ...
> There are also ways to convince Mathematica to spit out TeX
> fragments for equations, and I could make do with a utility
> that converted these to small PICT graphics that could be pasted
> into other programs.
> I haven't downloaded any TeX programs like OzTeX or DVI72 yet;
> they seem pretty huge to use for just this one thing,
Formatting mathematical equations in the manner you see in textbooks
is a non-trivial exercise. MMa gives you two options for output: ASCII
and TeX.
(TeX is a technical typesetting language, and TeX compilers know how
to typeset mathematical equations; to build this capacity into MMa
would make the program much bigger than it already is, and would
conflict with WRI's goal of making MMa output information in a
platform-independent manner.)
I suppose you might be able to get PostScript output by telling MMa
just to print the cell containing the equation, then using the LW
driver to send that output to a file, and finally including that
PS graphic in another document.
All in all, you would be better off using TeX output.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 17:36:08 CDT
From: "Eric H. Durbrow" <C509393@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
Subject: Mac Prefect Downloadable?
I am unable to get Mac Prefect to work. First, I tried to download it via
Fetch 2.1 and my Mac crashed. I tried giving Fetch more memory and downloading
Mac Prefect from WUarhives and from Michigan. Failed. Second, I downloaded
it by ftp maunally. However, Expander and Compact Pro are unable to open it.
this a corrupted file? Why are there two files? Thanks in advance!
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 15:14:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Seth L. Ness" <ness@aecom.yu.edu>
Subject: mac sequencing software
we just got an apple color one scanner hooked up to IIci.
i was wondering if there was any software that could read sequencing gels
scanned in on the scanner and automatically give the sequence. All the
ads i've seen include software as part of a big system including a
specialized scanner, but all we've got is the One scanner. so an
independant software package is what we need.
software to do densitometry and figure out molecular weights would also
be nice. thanks.
Seth L. Ness Ness Gadol Hayah Sham
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 10:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: EDHOLZER@delphi.com
Subject: MacWrite Pro default ?
Can some tell me please if it's possible to change
the default font in MacWrite Pro permanently ? It's
easy to switch for a single document but I can't find
the secret switch for the overalldefault. Help please.
Thanks, Ed
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 10:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: EDHOLZER@delphi.com
Subject: MacWrite Pro default ?
Can some tell me please if it's possible to change
the default font in MacWrite Pro permanently ? It's
easy to switch for a single document but I can't find
the secret switch for the overalldefault. Help please.
Thanks, Ed
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 93 17:10:19 EDT
From: davist@mercury.umis.upenn.edu
Subject: Mind-Mapping Software (R)
One of the best pieces of software in this line is Inspiration, from
Inspiration Software. It even has a "rapid-fire" entry mode that
explicitly supports the idea of mind-mapping: you select the central idea,
then type related ideas as fast as you can; when you pause, the program
inserts them as "bubbles" branching off the central idea. Also supports
hierarchical families of ideas, and standard text-mode hierarchical
outlines as well. The diagramming mode can be as structured or as
free-form as you want it to be.
Tad Davis
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 19:43 BST
Subject: Modem suggestion wanted
A friend of mine in the US would like to buy a modem for his quaint
Mac Plus 4/40. I don't think he needs a particularly fast modem, just
a sound and inexpensive one. As I have little experience of modems
and even less of the US computer market, can people mail me suggestions
for him please? Thanks
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 22:40 EST
From: "NRN TIA :-)" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Moniter being discriminated against (C)
Dear Netters,
It seems that people keep on creating software posted in info-mac
that works with only 640 x 400 and above resolution or 13" Moniter (sp?)
or larger size. Essentially this leaves out a large group of people who
purchased the 12" RGB (Apple) Moniter for its lowest price in color moniters
for a moniter that supports 24bit Color. Has anyone out there made an INIT,
Application (that works with System 7.0.0) to reduce the number of pixels into
the 512 x 384 resolution of the 12" RGB from the 640 x 400 resolution, and
essentially reduce the picture size to fool 640 x 400 programs into thinking
they are running on a moniter of that size. Either that, or is there a way of
removing the dialog box saying that the program only works on 640 x 400
moniters so someone can ResEdit new pictures in and run these programs on a
12" RGB. Call it frustration, but support for this moniter could be better.
I have already found that those programs without a warning dialog box about
the resolution can have the window resources changed to fit the moniter, but
no amount of simple ResEditting seems to cut a path through these warning
dialog boxes. Or am I wrong, and is there a ResEdit hack through those dialog
boxes? Please e-mail directly to me at the internet address above.
Thank you.
P.S. If software does exist to fix this problem, please send the Gopher/FTP
address where I can download it. Thanks again.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 07:33:53 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Mousing around with Flight Simulator 4.0
I just purchased Flight Simulator vs. 4.0. and can't get the mouse
option to correctly work. Selecting the "mouse as yoke" mode hides the
cursor but really does nothing else. Moving the mouse has absolutely no
effect. Pressing the mouse button results in the throttle area
highlighting but no control features via the mouse work, i.e., the
throttle won't advance or throttle back when the mouse is moved and the
the button is pressed.
The computer this is being tried on is a Mac LCIII, System 7.1, 32
bit addressesing on. The problem exists with or without any
cdevs/extensions installed. Please save me some aggravation on the phone
with MicroSoft and let me know if your version works on your LCIII or if a
patch is available somewhere. This smells like the current release of
Print Shop (not the upcoming Fall Print Shop release) grrrrr.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 12:45:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Mousing around with Flight Simulator 4.0 (R)
On Sun, 15 Aug 1993, Sean M. Joyce wrote:
> I have experienced the same problem with both a Centris 610 12/80 and
> a Quadra 800 16/230, with and without extensions. Both 7.1. Perhaps
> an incompatibility with either 7.1 or the latest enablers? Any
Ah, marvelous!!!!! I was assuming that, typically for me, I was
the only one experiencing such problems. So, contacting MicroSoft is in
order. That will probably be an experience in itself.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 08:06:27 EST
From: "David Virga" <virgad@cc.ims.disa.mil>
Subject: Moving Large Files MAC<->DOS (R)
Joel Lazewatsky (lazewajl@lldmpc.dnet.dupont.com) writes:
>Subject: Moving Large Files MAC<->DOS
>I am trying to move large amounts of data (images, mostly) from a DOS system
>to a MAC. ... Ideally, I would like to find a large, interchangeable medium
>that can be connected to both the MAC and the PeeCee. Bernouilli drives,
>although fine products in themselves and electrically connectable to both
>platforms, are not intercompatible in terms of disk formats (!!!!!).
I have interchanged DOS-formatted Bernoullis using Iomega drivers
v3.42 along with Dayna's DOS Mounter v3.0. The latest MacWarehouse catalog
lists DOS Mounter Plus for $55.00. It even states, "Now supports removable
Dave Virga
*** MY opinions!! Don't try to say, "The Government said, '...'" ***
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 08:23:50 -0500 (CDT)
From: BRAM@mbcf.stjude.org
Subject: Need (inexpensive) PC board for Mac
Subject: Need 486 compatibility (unfortunately).
I recently bought (for my lab) a very nice fluorescence plate reader (from
Millipore). The bad news is that it needs to be controlled by a Pee-Cee
their (Millipore's) proprietary software which only runs under Windows. As an
avid "Mac-er" I refused to get a PC for my lab, and instead got a Centris 650,
thinking that I could somehow hack around the PC requirement. I guess this
out to have been a mistake.
I initially thought I would write my own program to run on the Mac, but
Millipore has refused to give me the serial port codes that operate the
(I do know that it uses simple serial communications at 9600 Baud, etc.) When
told them that I would simply reverse engineer the codes myself, they told me
that if the program I wrote didn't have all the necessary checks and
in case of malfunction, the plate reader could damage itself (which would not
covered by the warranty.) Of course, even after shelling out $30,000 for the
plate reader, they still won't tell me the what the "necessary checks and
safeguards" are. (Does this sound like a company that would use Windows, or
what?) I am obviously not going to risk my investment by messing around with
and maybe breaking it.
Therefore, I have been using SoftPC/Windows on the Centris to run their
and it does work, but is incredibly poky. I am writing to ask anyone for other
possible solutions. I would get a Orange Micro PC board for the Mac, but $2000
seems silly to pay, when I can get an entire 486 PC for less than that. Is
any price/announce date info available on the Apple 486 add-in board mentioned
in these archives recently? I should mention that now that I've blown all my
start-up money, it is much easier for me to buy multiple cheap items (like
upgrade boards for less than $500 each) than to humbly admit I was wrong and
for a PC after all. (There isn't much space left in the lab, either...)
thanks for any and all ideas/comments.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 11:58:53 EDT
From: brentsleep@aol.com
Subject: Norton Utilities 1.1/2.0
I am considering upgrading my Norton Utilities package from 1.1 to 2.0.
However, I seem to recall some Very Bad Things about 2.0 on info-mac about a
year ago.
Any comments about the differences between 1.1 and 2.0 would be very much
appreciated. Is there an upgrade path?
I have a Macintosh LC running System 7.1.
Brent Sleeper
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 12:42:47 GMT
From: mcguire@UTKVX.UTCC.UTK.EDU (Michael A. McGuire)
Subject: PageMaker 4.2 Book printing (R)
In Article <9308141720.AA29116@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>,
info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) wrote:
>Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 10:05:35 -0600 (CST)
>From: Ron Berntson <berntson@jester.usask.ca>
>Subject: PageMaker 4.2 Book printing
>I have a four part PM document that I have assembled into a book. Using
>PM4.2, a Mac IIvi, and a Personal LaserWriter IINT, I select print book in
>the print dialog. The application unexpectedly quits with a type 1 error.
>I=D5ve reinstalled the PM software and turned off all extensions, but to no
>avail. Any clues as to how I can successfully publish a book?
>Ron Berntson
It is memory and processor capability. I had the same thing happen printing
to a IIntx with 9mb on LocalTalk. Sent the same job to a IIg with 8mb on
EtherTalk and no problem.
Try printing only a few (perhaps even 1) page at a time if you do not have
access to another printer.
Also you could try using the Apple printer drivers (hold down the Option
key) when you print.
Good luck.
Michael A. McGuire, :-)
UTCC - User Services
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 08:36:12 -0400
From: Gerald Edgar <edgar@math.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Pasting sound into a silent QT movie -- quickly and cheaply?
In MoviePlayer, when you hold down the Option key, then select the
Edit menu, Paste becomes Add. This means what you paste in will
occur simultaneously with what you have selcted in the movie.
Hold down Shift and Option: Paste becomes Add Scaled: whatever you
paste is scaled to take up the same amount of time as what you have
Hold down Shift: Paste becomes Replace.
Date: 16 Aug 1993 08:56:00 +0100 (MET)
From: EICKHOFF@dornier.de
Subject: Powerbook keyboard shortcuts
Powerbook keyboard shortcuts
I'm working on a stationary Mac with an extended keyboard. My mainly used
wordprocessor is Microsoft's Word. As I sometimes have to work on Powerbooks
during travels etc. I regularly experience the restrictions of the Powerbook's
small keyboard.
The inconveniencies include missing page up and page down buttons, missing
button to close Word's page preview and and many other.
Does anyone have a comlete list of keyboard shortcuts for using Word on a PB
a special word settings file that maps functions to keys available on a PB?
Jens Eickhoff
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 17:05 BST
Subject: PowerPC, 680LC40 emulation and Byte magazine
Hello all
A friend of mine said that the BY article about the PowerPC allegedly having
680lc40 emulation was simply a factual error.
Any evidence for or against this?
Joe makkerh.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 13:43:08 -0400
From: hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes)
Subject: PowerPC/68040 emulation? (A)
"Cerro, Joseph A" <cerro@mbcl.rutgers.edu> writes:
>In any event, the PowerPCs (regardless of vendor, as I understand it) will
>support 68LC040 emulation! Unfortunately, this means that 68040 FPU and MMU
>calls are not supported (which would have been the case anyway in 68020
>emulation). BTW-the Byte article is very detailed-it is worth a look
>disclaimers again).
It might be worth a look, but if the info you posted is from that
article, then the article is wrong. The 68LC040 does have an MMU, so if
the PowerPC will emulate the LC040 then it will also emulate MMU calls.
The only thing the LC040 is lacking is an FPU. It's the "embedded
controller" version of the '040 chip, aka. 68EC040, that does not have
either an FPU or an MMU.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 12:05:09 EDT
From: brentsleep@aol.com
Subject: QuickTime JPEG
I posted this question about two weeks ago, but it hasn't seemed to appear in
the digest. Here's my second try...
I have several JPEG images that I would like to decode and view on my mac. I
know that GIFConverter can do it, but I always seem to run out of memory with
this programs and many of the JPEGs.
The MacUser Thumbnail utility uses QuickTime to decode JPEGs and never seems
to run out of memory. So my question is, how can I get GIFConverter to use
QuickTime instead of its internal JPEG Group code?
Or alternatively, how can I turn these DOS JPEGs into so-called "QuickTime
PICTs" that can be read by QuickTime with a PICT viewer?
Brent Sleeper
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 18:00:36 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: SAM 3.5.1 Redux
Folks, much as I generally prefer the darkness, I do occasionally light
a candle. I wrote the other day about difficulties copying the SAM 3.5.1
disks from the office new kid. I tried lots of different copying methods
and got results that were at best inconsistent. Today I had the time to
muck about further. Nothing like a Saturday when one coughs himself awake
at 4:00 and can't get back to sleep.
No, SAM Installer doesn't throw a fit just 'cause it is on a copied disk,
though that is what it says. It throws a fit when the SAM Virus Defs file
on Disk 1 (Installer) is changed.
When I copied my colleague's new (June purchase) SAM disks, I noted that
the Virus Defs file was dated Oct 28, 1992. We've had a few new viruses
since then. The most recent file of which I'm aware is April 19, 1993. I
copied that file to all three SAM disks -- Installer, Decontamination, HD
Decontamination. Two out of three ain't bad, but it was fatal here.
The installer disk is apparently hard wired for a 10/28/92 Virus Defs
file on SAM disk 1. If I didn't touch that Virus Defs file, the copied
disk installed perfectly. If I updated it to the current Virus Defs file,
the installer slapped my paddy for not using the original disk.
Heck, that is even dumber than copy protection.
An even modestly sentient human, knowing that the SAM Virus Defs file on
the install disk is six months and several viruses out of date, might be
forgiven for putting the latest Virus Defs file on the install disk. And
he or she would die.
Is that a good idea?
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 19:01 BST
Subject: SE/30 Powercache(Daystar accelerators)
Hi Netters
I'm looking to accelerate my 5/40 (soon 8/40:) SE/30: Xceed Card, primarily
so that I can play Hellcats and the upcoming F/A18 Hornet and Chuck Yeager's
Air Combat with more smoothness!
Since the PDS is already occupied, I'm looking at the Daystar SE/30
you know the guy that leaves your PDS free. Has anyone got such a thing?
Does it work (well)?
Where did you get it from?
How was it installed? (I've read the report posted last July- that says that
the Mac has to be shipped to Georgia, Daystar HQ: is this still the case?)
Is there a Turbo 040 version for the SE/30 available now? (Again non-PDS
I'd especially like to hear from UK users as that's where I am.
For a bit more than the Turbo 040 accelerator, one can buy a Centris 610 4/80,
with built-in Ethernet and 14" monitor. Is the Centris 610 upgradable to the
PowerPC? If so I may just take the plunge and get one.
Thanks in advance for your attention/help. Mail me direct or via the net.
Joe Makkerh
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 01:03:09 -0400
From: "K. Fritz Ruehr" <kfr@eecs.umich.edu>
Subject: Seeking utility to help with alias-based secondary storage scheme
I'm interested in finding a utility to help me with the following simple
scheme for moving less-often used files from my hard drive to
secondary storage on floppy disks: the main idea is to move the actual
files to floppies, but to keep aliases to those files on the hard drive.
Then, when the aliases are double-clicked on the hard drive, the Finder
will request the appropriate floppy to open the document or application.
Since the alias is relatively small, this scheme saves space, but since
it is Finder-based and the request for the floppy is automatic, it's also
very portable and convenient (nothing beyond the Finder is needed to
easily find or retrieve the files).
Of course, once can implement this scheme fairly easily by hand: just
copy the file to a floppy by dragging it from the hard drive, then drag
the original on the hard drive to the trash, then empty the trash, then
select the file on the floppy and choose "Make Alias" from the File menu,
then drag the alias to the hard drive, select and delete the " alias"
suffix from the copy of the alias on the hard drive and, finally, select
and delete the original alias on the floppy (*whew*!).
Well, maybe not so easily :) .
Especially if you'd like to do this for a number of files, or if you'd
like to do it recursively for all files nested within a folder
(a top-level folder alias would work for the latter situation, but I'd
prefer to be able to see the folder structure directly from the hard drive,
all the way down to the file level, without having to actually insert the
Of course, there are a number of utilities out there that would simplify
various steps in the process (e.g., alias placement and suffix dropping),
but IMHO, the ideal interface for this scheme would be to work right from
the Finder, using, say, a Control-Shift drag (or whatever modifier
is unused) of the files/top-level folders from the hard drive to
the floppy, at which point all copying, deletion (of originals) and alias
creation (without annoying suffixes) would be done automatically.
Changing the behavior of a (modified) drag in the Finder would presumably
require an extension or control panel ... but notice that we still wouldn't
need anything beyond the (System 7) Finder to view the folder structure or
to retrieve the off-line files once the aliases were created.
Does anyone know of a utility which will do (or approximate) this job?
It seems so natural to me that I think I must have seen something
that does exactly what I've described (in which case I apologize for the
waste of bandwidth). I don't *think* this can be done easily with
Alias Director, but I may be missing one of its hundreds of features :) .
If no such utility currently exists, would anyone care to write one? :)
Or to comment on the shareware viability of writing one?
Thanks in advance for any information and comments.
-- Fritz Ruehr
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 21:44:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: SAKIMURA@vaxr.sscl.uwo.ca (Natsu Sakimura)
Subject: Sending AppleLink note via Internet
Hi netters.
I got C/F Stack from ftp.apple.com and am trying to register a
signature at apple.
My question is: How do I send the AppleLink note generated by C/F Stack
to applelink via Internet? Do I just send the MacBinary file or do
I uuencode or something?
Your help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Natsu Sakimura
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 11:03:00 PDT
From: Dave Leiner <leiner@leiner.mtv.gtegsc.com>
Subject: Sound Mgr 3.0 (Q)
Whenever I enable Sound Manager 3.0, the volume setting in the Sound Control
Panel eventually resets to 0 (silent). I haven't been able to determine the
exact moment of change, but it is within an hour or so of reboot. This only
happens on my accelerated (Daystar Powercache) MacII at work. My accelerated
(Logica Logicache) Mac II at home is fine. Also, could have to do with the
networking SW at work, which I don't normally run at home. Has anyone else
this problem?
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 16:56:51 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Tech Tool (C)
Let me be positive. For a change. This week. I snarfed Tech Tool (config)
and am in love with MicroMat's freebie. It blows the doors off FifthGen's
freebie Desktop Reset and Brian Gaeke's shareware Reset DTDBs. Desktop
Reset works fine, if you splat-option invoke it at the right time during
the startup process. Brian's latest Reset DTDBs doesn't actually work in
my experience.
Tech Tool is neat. Invoke the utility at your leisure. Tell it which DT
you want to reset -- even just a mounted floppy, and it works admirably.
And for the terminally documentation-deprived, the program tells you what
it does. Built in.
I haven't used its Zap PRAM option, but pushing a button is for sure a
lot easier than remembering, must less correctly pushing, the 3-or-4 key
combination on startup.
If MicroMat's commercial products (MacEKG, DriveTech) are as easy and as
useful as Tech Tool, I'd recommend them. I will certainly check them out.
I'm impressed with what they are giving away.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 93 16:56:51 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Tech Tool (C)
Let me be positive. For a change. This week. I snarfed Tech Tool (config)
and am in love with MicroMat's freebie. It blows the doors off FifthGen's
freebie Desktop Reset and Brian Gaeke's shareware Reset DTDBs. Desktop
Reset works fine, if you splat-option invoke it at the right time during
the startup process. Brian's latest Reset DTDBs doesn't actually work in
my experience.
Tech Tool is neat. Invoke the utility at your leisure. Tell it which DT
you want to reset -- even just a mounted floppy, and it works admirably.
And for the terminally documentation-deprived, the program tells you what
it does. Built in.
I haven't used its Zap PRAM option, but pushing a button is for sure a
lot easier than remembering, must less correctly pushing, the 3-or-4 key
combination on startup.
If MicroMat's commercial products (MacEKG, DriveTech) are as easy and as
useful as Tech Tool, I'd recommend them. I will certainly check them out.
I'm impressed with what they are giving away.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 12:48:18 GMT
From: mcguire@UTKVX.UTCC.UTK.EDU (Michael A. McGuire)
Subject: Terminal Emulators & TCP/IP (R)
In Article <9308141720.AA29116@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>,
info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) wrote:
>Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 10:29:23 EST
>From: kerns@wi.mit.edu (Peter Kerns)
>Subject: Terminal Emulators & TCP/IP
>We are looking for a new terminal emulator. Does anyone know of a good
>emulator that will do a TCP/IP connection over a network? We are looking
>for something relatively inexpensive but a whole lot better then NCSA
>Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.
>Peter Kerns
Try VersaTerm from Synergy Software (215) 779-0522 or
Michael A. McGuire, :-)
UTCC - User Services
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 93 19:14 BST
Subject: The European Mac games scene
Hi there again Netters
I'm going to write an article in Inside Mac Games about the games scene here
in Europe. This is subject to compiling enough material of course, and for
reason I turn to you guys. So, if you have any tales of woe, publishers to
flame/congratulate or just want to say," I bought XXXX for yyyy DM, and you
know you can get the same thing for $ZZ from Mac's Place if you live in the
USA." just write to me directly. I promise all responses will be acknowledged
in the article if it gets written and I use the material.
Tell me about:
Information-i.e. reviews in magazines etc.
TransAtlantic Lag- how far behind are we?
How do you buy your games?- Mail order, from "Megastores" or smuggling through
Customs from the USA? etc.
Bulletin boards, shareware archives, user groups etc.
What's your fave game and why?
Anything else related to Mac gaming in Europe vs USA or rest of world.
Thanks in advance
Joe Makkerh
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 00:17:26 -0100
From: Gleason Sackman <sackman@plains.nodak.edu>
Subject: Update: Contact for the Internet Earth Day (fwd)
Forwarded by Gleason Sackman, InterNIC net-happenings moderator
--------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 93 14:21:49 EST
Subject: Contact for the Internet Earth Day
Please post this to the appropriate lists.
Somehow my name has been mistakenly attached to the Internet Earth Day as the
contact, but I do not have any information.
If you are interested in the Internet Earth Day the person to
contact is John Schmidt at the National Oceanigraphic and Atmospheric
Administration. His phone number is 301 763 8204 and his email is
Melanie Goldman
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 17:26:32 -0500
From: PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
Subject: use of newton
I attend lectures where people are easily disturbed by touchtyping or
unnecessary conversations that aren't shared. I don't think newton could
keep up with my rapid scrawl and am disappointed that it only beams within
a meter so I might silently ask questions of my prof or collegues.
But, what of moderators of lectures who happen to be executives on call
to very important people and who must be interupted by late breaking news
on research developements of a team who are embarrassed to have a
secretary burst in and hand a normal ink notepad to the moderator saying
that someone is ready to report to committee. Not very private. Could be
embarrassing whether sent or not sent to the moderator.
Consider a poor moderator who has to answer about his budget to
someone, who doesn't know all the answers and would like to quietly inquire
at a meeting what's going on so he could feel better when facing a crowd
and present that all important smiling confident face that the general
public don't tend to attack.
Consider someone with a crippled kid who never has time to write to
relatives other than impersonal mass xeroxed news.
Consider someone who left his powerbook on a plane and has that to
carry into an important meeting. They might feel tired and grouchy to
begin with and then the secretary bursting in with the missing
powerbook could make them become even more so. Nothing to do with the
subject at hand, just a personal assistant, not to remind but
rather to reassure you!
Feelings don't just stay in compartments and the public will
misunderstand a frown at the wrong moment. With its generalized standard
database, you might keep in touch with all the things on your mind.
Perhaps find time for your friends.
Hope I gave you all some ideas.
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 21:23 EST
From: GANDERSON@vax.clarku.edu
Subject: zmodem tool
Does anyone know where/how I can fins a zmodem tool for the
Apple communications packet so I can send and recieve files
with the zmodem protocal via ClarisWorks' communications
program? ClarisWorks comes with the xmodem tool, and I found
the ymodem tool in the info-mac archives at Sumex, but I can't
find a zmodem tool anywhere, and zmodem is the transfer
protocol I use most often!
Thanks in advance
End of Info-Mac Digest